Traditional Archery Meeting Agenda
Date: Saturday 2/23/08
Start Time: 1:00
Total meeting time: 3 - 4 hours
Location: Cabela’s Restaurant (food court)
Requirement: Buy something from the restaurant (we are using their space)
Special Note: Start time may vary, due to the restaurant crowd.
1:00 – 1:30
Each person introduces themselves and gives a little personal background. (What kind of work you do, how long you have been doing traditional archery, family, etc…)
1:30 – 2:45
Individual expectations or desires for an archery club or what you want to achieve from this meeting:
An open discussion where each person will have a chance to express what they would like to see or have in an archery club. Do you want a formal club? Do you want a traditional only club? Are you willing to pay dues? Are you willing to take on club responsibilities? How often should we meet? How much time can you dedicate to this project? Is an organized club really what you want? etc…
15 minute break if it’s needed.
3:00 – 4:00
Guess speaker(s) from Three Trails Traditional Archery Club:
Bob Burns the president of Three Trails Traditional Archery Club has graciously agree to join us and share the knowledge that he has about starting and maintaining an archery club. This will require group participation to ask questions, take notes and educate ourselves on what it takes to startup and maintain an archery club.
4:00 – whenever
Information exchange, plan next meeting and our first shoot, talk, share pictures and possibly shoot:
We will want to gather phone numbers, addresses, email addresses and any other contact information from one another. This type of personal information will not be posted on the web.
Do you approve of the meeting agenda?