I'd like to throw out some things for everyone to think about BEFORE the meeting so you have time to work up an opinion of different aspects of what we are trying to do. Might save some time when we actually sit down to talk face to face and it may also help you think up something you would like to see done a certain way.
Tom, I hope you don't mind me throwing all this out like this but I still don't know if I'm going to have to work Saturday or not so I wanted to put out some ideas here. I certainly don't want to steal your thunder. :D Basically, I'm hoping to USE ya to do what I wasn't able to pull off myself. I think all this stuff up but dont' get it done. Usually because I work goofy shifts or off days compared to all the people I'm trying to get involved.
Anyway, I really APPRECIATE you making the attempt at this whole club idea and I hope it works out for all of us.
In the past when I was looking in to trying to start some sort of a local club I talked to the area manager for Platte Falls and a couple of the grounds keepers and they were all for the idea of having a club use Platte Falls as their home base. Partly because they want to promote archery and partly because they would appreciate the help in maintaining the range.
I also spent quite a bit of time thinking about what sort of goals should be set for the club like:
1)Promoting archery in general and traditional and primitive archery in particular.
2)Doing our best to involve local kids whether children of members, local single parents, cub scouts or youth groups.
3)Get the women involved. Wives, daughters and girlfriends who understand and enjoy our hobby as much as we do are a wonderful thing.
4)Possibly have a mentoring program for anyone interested in trad archery whether a grown man who already shoots a compound or anyone who is simply curious about bows.
5)A couple or three solid annual events that members will really look forward to such as a big spring 3D shoot, a fish shoot, a mini mojam, maybe an early fall group deer and turkey hunt or a late season bunny stomp.
6)I'd rather NOT see 3D shoots centered around scores, prizes or prize money. A raffle of donated items chozen by drawing used score cards is more fun for all and takes the pressure off. UBM does it this way.
If we form a club, some of the less interesting points to think about are things like targets. That is, purchasing and possibly more importantly storing them. Can't leave them out at a public range or they would either get shot out, destroyed or stolen. A rented storage area costs money each month.
Also, dues. Possibly an initial "buy in" of an ammount that would actually come close to buying a 3D target. Then an anual dues. I'd like to see a setup like the UBM where if you become a member, your family (wife and kids) are equally eligible to participate.
A seperate fee for wear and tear of targets when we do hold a shoot. Reduced for members compared to a walk up shooter.
Would we want or seek sponsorship by a larger state org like the United Bowhunters of MO?
If so, would we be allowed to fall under their insurance?
Well, there are more but that's enough for now. Think about them, make a list of your own to bring or post a list of what you would like to see right here before Saturday and we can get a head start on the whole thing.