Cade and I finally got the chance to hit the woods yesterday. With work,spare time has been at a premium!
When we started the weather was cold and windy, but that would change soon enough......
First shot of the new year for Cade.......
After that shot, out of the blue, he comes out with a classic...."boy those elfs really know how to make nice quivers" took me second before I realized what he was talking about. He'd received a new Eagles' Flight bow quiver for Christmas! I had to hold back the from laughing too much,as I agee'd with him. Love that boy!
A little video...
A couple he took of me....drawing and then follow thru....
He shot well,and is really coming along as a lefty. This year I'm going to try to work with him a little more on anchor and follow thru. Up till now I've pretty much just let him fling arrows,and he loves it!
Hang on,I have a little more.....