Thanks to all that responded. I greatly appreciate you all taking the time to post. I'm definitely going to look into one later - not that I need another bow...but I am very interested in this model since I sold my GM.
The concerns with the shelf material don't concern me too much because I always put on my own material - preferably Seal Skin. I've really been enjoying that stuff.
I guess I had got lucky with my GM. I had two sets of limbs for it - 45's and 50's. At 27" draw, they pulled 43 and 48 respectively on my scale, which told me they were pretty much dead-on the number. If I could buy this new Dorado with 50's and they pulled anywhere from 48 to 52 lbs, I'd be very happy.
All the best,
Roger... "Louisiana Hogs"??? I've never heard of such a thing! (just joking - I'm from New Iberia!)