i chuck my 3/8 dowels in my drill and run them over the belt sander to taper, i used to do it by hand with 80 grit sandpaper but it takes awhile. the sander works well, and gets a pretty even taper. if there are high spots due to wobble then i use a chisel on the shaft thats chucked in a drill to get em straight. last step before i apply finish is always compressing, and what i use for that right now is a padlock and do it by hand. ive used shellac for finish, but it will add a little weight, and its not particularly tough so i switched to using tung oil finish on my arrows. self nocks i saturate with superglue in between steps of shaping to make them a little stronger, then i wrap them with art sinew for reinforcement. good luck in your arrow making, im sure youll be pleased once you get the process down.