I mark the fade outs with a template and cut them out with the bandsaw. Bodork reinforced this riser with black fiberglass. Without a carbide blade on the saw I just used a half worn out blade as I knew the FG would trash the blade. When the blade hit the fiberglass, as expected the sparks flew. Instead of cutting through the fiberglass at an angle the blade deflected and wanted to follow the edge of it. Luckily, I wasn't putting too much pressure on it and didn't ruin the riser block. It was close though.
Trashed blade.
Fade outs feathered, ready for epoxy. Freezer paper protects the workbench.
Cheap electrical tape (60 cents per roll) hold everything in place until pressure is applied. 65 psi
Slack belt works well for rounding edges.
Peeling the tape off is one of the sweet rewards for working with nice veneers.