I started out cutting the limb shape and windows with a bandsaw, but, since I don't own stock in a blade company, I gave that up!
Nowadays, I belt sand the bow snot off the layup, then drum sand to a nice square blank, probably like most everyone. I put nice new tape on the blank and draft the bow shape onto the tape, then use the round end of the big belt sander to grind real close to my lines. Goes very fast. I have to clean up the edges, but I did on the saw, too.
For awhile, I was still cutting in the sight windows with the bandsaw, but the last several I've gone low tech... high quality wood rasps lubricated with a little patience.
My Olsen bandsaw blades now last very well! I have two, keep one set up for resawing lamb blanks, the other for riser shaping.