If they were mine..... In your picture the backing of the bow would be on the right side or inside curve.
The belly should be showing the growth gings on that side of the limb as well; I mean your working portion of the bow limbs must be all on the same half as the back like this,,, belly side-)))))-backing of bow,,, not like this belly side-(0))))-back.... This being the rings)))) & this (0) being the center of your stick....
I'd work the belly first, until you're through the center. This will leave less surface or backing ring that you'll have to chase.
Then you'll have to chase the whole backing ring the entire lenght of the stick while leaving the limb knots. I mean leave them raised above the backing and on the same ring as the backing. Chase the ring up to the ends of those raised limb knots! This will leave the open or cut portion of the raised limb knots in a none working part of the limb. This will be critical or the backing is compromised.
Once you've cut through to the center or to the belly and the back ring has been chased, you can begin to draw on the backing the center line which should follow the vertical grain in the wood end to end.
Draw on the limb profile lines keeping the width at the fades as wide as you can and while drawing around the raised limb knots and not through them as you go up each limb. At about 2/3rds the lenght of each limb start your profile lines tappering thinner twards the tips to about 1/2". Keep the handle area full width for now!
Tiller the belly until you just start getting the entire limbs to bend by pushing the tips on the floor while holding it in the handle area of the bow pushing the tip down on the floor.
Now twist you a flemish string and on to the tiller tree. Once you're happy with the tiller shape the handle to best allign the string where you want it. A little heat bending may be in order to better allign the tips and string in the center of the handle.
Yoou're good to go