It's been a while, and I finally have the pics to post of my own "shop". It changes every week, depending on the project. Split, mobile benches that can be clipped together to create either a 48" X 48" bench or 96" X 24" bench, give me a ton of flexibility. It does get crowded at times, but i'm sure we all feel that way. My brainasium is my favorite part. Hours get lost there on a regular basis. I did 90% of this with things I kept from when I renovated our house this past winter. Old full doors, bi-fold doors, and even the kitchen counters and an old dresser became benches, shelves, and didn't cost me a dime. It still needs finishing IMO, but I still love it the way it is too. The furnace, and overhead shelving was existing. I removed another section equal to the existing overhead shelf cause it was too much, and it turned into a bench by the fire pit. Otherwise I stripped the garage to sheathing, and started from there. I re-used light fixtures and gave the shop more than 12x the lumens it started with. It's also equipped with 220, and I intend on putting a window and door leading to the back yard in the near future.