Ok...here is what I did:
I found a spray can that fitted perfectly inside the hose. I cut it in half and plugged each half with a short wooden shaft (to handle the pressure from the constricting bands).
I drilled a hole in the shaft to enter the half containing the spraycan nozzle, though which the small tube that connects the nozzle with the bottom of the can could go.
Here is a picture:
I can fill the hose by connecting the nozzle of my compressors dust blower gun (takes 10 sec to fill to 130 psi). I have used no sealant...just bands, can and two shafts...and it droped from 130 to 115 psi over 24 hours...good enough for my purpose;-)
I have no idea how durable this will be, or if it will hold up to the warmth of a heat box (I wont use it for that). Biggest drawback...it takes 3-5 min to empty though that small nozzle (I plug on the original spray can nozzle for that).