Hey gang,
Some times, in the process of making arrows it seems they fight you at every stage. In the end you come out with some beautiful arrows, but with small little booboos. Such is the case with my most recent batch of arrows. I had intended to sell these, but I feel that there is enough small and purly cosmetic boo boos I don't feel right selling them. However, they arn't so bad as to simply tear them down and do it over either. In the end I decided to give them away in a drawing here on tradgang.
These are easton 1916's legacy shafts. They are full length uncut. I'll happily cut to the winners desired length and glue in inserts. I will pay for shipping as well.
I call them my "Radiation Rangers"
If you'd like a chance to win, put your name in here. The winner will be drawn on Monday the 18th of Feb. I'll take names for the hat until midnight on sunday the 17th.
good luck.