Thanks for the compliments!! So much fun. I don't do well sitting around watching TV.
Okay.. so did not get a lot done tonight, but got some done.
First started building the second bow's handle.
I had lightly glued the purple heart onto the bottom of the maple. I use Tight Bond 3 and only apply about 5 dots.
Then to the band saw to cut it up.
My favorite blade for this got hashed cutting thru fiberglass, so I had to use another blade. It cut's okay, but leaves marks. So I had to do some LIGHT sanding. To much sanding and the two pieces will not match up.
I cut a piece of white fiberglass from the lam piece and sand it down on the smooth side. Then cleaned everything up with Acetone.
Mixed up some smooth on snot and applied..
Then I set it on the side and slowly go back and forth with the c clamps.
Then all the way. I wipe of excess epoxy to check the fit and I lift it up and check the bottom to make sure it did not slide up on me. It usually does so I give the smaller piece a couple of wacks with a mallet to keep it level.
Since I had some glue mixed up, went a head and got the tips on the first bow cut and cleaned. I like shapes so cut a piece of the Bocate in a shape I liked then cut some Phenol in another shape. Roughed up the surfaces and cleaned with Acetone...
Then I set all the pieces around my fireplace for drying tonight! I need to make a mini heat box for the risers.
We shall do some more tomorrow night!
See ya tomorrow!