Maybe I shoot at more deer than most, and I get to see a few elk get shot as well. But I'm here to tell you, that dead might be dead, but finding them after they are sure can be easy or it can be hard. Wounded, sometimes should be dead, but ain't....and I'll fess up to a few of these, unlike some on here. I shoot heavy bows...well, heavier than most, and many of my shots, with razor sharp heads, don't go all the way through...heck they rarely blow through and stick in the ground! I like to shoot primitive equipment mostly, except I've been very disappointed with stone so I like to have the best broadheads on my bow to maximize penetration. Two holes is always better than one, I find in my bloodtrailing. Dr. Ashby's reports have really educated me since the very first one came out, and most of you did'nt even know who he was. It may not be "science" to some of you...but it is hands down the BEST reporting and analyzing done on the subject. To ignore his findings is plain stupid, especially you light bow guys...IMO. So read it, learn something, and make you decisions based on what you have experienced yourselves...but if you ever find that "should be dead but is wounded" or "should be dead quicker" happens to you, then you will have an idea of where you might have gone wrong.
It is just plain dumb to "pooh-pooh" good experience. Stupid is as Stupid does, Mama always said.....-Forest Gump