Buddy,I'll try to tell you how I did it..Didnt get good sleep last night, I have not had to make a new form in 5 years, I am not a wood worker by trade so I have only used the router for bow forms.... First I Remove as much wood as I can before routing.. I use a 6 ft straight edge to mark a straight line onto form for bottom of template, then screw a template onto form, trace line onto form, remove template, cut about 3/16 from line, using my belt edge sander sand 1/8 inch from line then screw template back onto form and use router table to cut final wood surface. Checking the surface with a good square I mark any divots ( i usually get one) and fill them in with bondo, Then I use 3M High temp 90 spray contact glue to glue a piece of 040 black glass on top of the cut form, Guys like kennym that have great skill with their routers can skip the glass..