I'm glad to see so many folks getting involved in this swap. Last year was very successful and (Almost) everyone involved put their best efford forward to make it happen. I think only one person out of 40 reneged on his part of the swap,so that ain't too shabby! His loss!!!
If someone wants to get involved but doesn't think they have the ability or experience, now is the time to get that ability and experience! You have plenty of time to get your Swap Bow completed and with all the seasoned bowyers involved, and the experiences from others that participated last year you will have plenty of help making it happen. BUT!!!, if you are only getting involved so you will get a new bow out of the deal, you will do that, but you will also be going against the spirit of this Bow Swap. This,IMO, is all about making the best bow you can as a gift for someone else. What you get in return is a secondary benefit...and I don't remember hearing any gripeing from anyone about only getting a bow from a novice. I heard only praises about every bow in the Swap; whether from an experienced bowyer or novice. So...
Lets "Get on the Stick" and in the words of the renouned Larry The Cable Guy..."Get 'er Done!!! Happy bow building to all! d;^)