Thanks Jason,
The hardest part is just starting. From there, I see no end to this ailment of building bows!
Now to my madness!
On to the tips, rough the glass up here too, good adhesion..
Glue a pc of phenolic,this is 1/16" ,conforms to the limb without grinding the phenolic to fit. I used CA for the tips...
Next layer of the back overlay,a pc of black glass, used CA for this one also,I use smoothon where you blend into the limb glass. Seems to have a better looking joint...
Back to the tips,put on a pc of black phenolic...
Here is what we get on the tips,makes a cool lookin tip IMO,kinda like the old Bears. Did I mention that I bevel the first pc to make life easier when finishing to the limb glass?...
Last pc for the back overlays, .040 zebra just for color...
Here is a tip roughed in ,see where I touched the tape with the spindle sander? Careful now!!