Roy, I got tired of dust specks and little insects getting on my finished bows while they were drying, and ended up cleaning the mechanical room good enough to allow a dust free finish. However, there was not enough space or airflow to use it for spraying. This booth solved most of problems but I need to build a dust proof area to hang other bows while spraying to prevent any chance of over spray.
I haven’t taken many other pictures but it is a simple design. It has four walls and a roof made of 1x2”s lap jointed for stability. The roof and two corners are hinged so for easy assembly. It is wrapped with thin painter plastic, which is taped onto the frame with either making or duct tape, for easy replacement. The plastic gets holes but the masking tape easily repairs them. Changing the plastic takes about ten minutes. The framing holds standard air filters at both ends, which you can buy at any hardware store (as you can see mine needs cleaning/replacing). I already had a box fan with a spark proof motor from some previous building projects that sits on a bench next to the filter to create airflow. I put a painter tarp on the floor then erect the booth on it. The dimensions are 4’ x 8’ and 7’ tall. I had all the materials lying around after building my house except the air filters and hinges. The most expensive item would be the fan if you had to buy all the materials.
If I build another one it will be 8’x8’ so there is enough room to spray larger pieces of furniture and plastic off an area for several bows without worrying about the over spray.