that stinks. looks like it woulda been great.
@dvs : it was , until i found my hunting knife. then like i said it was even worse knowing thar's gold in them rings!
@ vanilla : i hadnt thought of a lawnmower blade. i dont know how many of these i have sharpened so much they wore out , and ended up throwing away. i used to do lawn commercially. i know a new one for a gravely is only about 8$ , so i might have to pick one up for other projects.
already had a couple members offer them , both free and for cost. if i end up getting one for free , my swap will be only possible cause of the courtesy of members here sending things. i think the only thing i bought besides some b50 , is a set of chainsaw files. oh , and my sureform. everything else has been donated , so its only appropriate that my swap build is built from these tools. toss in the knowledge that has been volunteered so freely , and you got a community bow.
i guess its name will be "It takes a village" or i guess it should be "It takes a tradgang"