So I got a line on a couple osage logs that had been cut last year for bow wood. The guy who cut it decided it was more work to make a bow than he could do right now. We met and the logs looked pretty good. One of them was huge, 8' long and 12" of yellow, weighed like 400#!
Anyways, I got them home and boned them out last weekend. Today I started working them down and found the larger one almost looks rotten in places. The first inch or so of thickness is discolored kind of like whitewoods get after a few weeks on the ground. I went ahead and chased a ring on one and it is definitely different feeling and even has a bit of odor to it. I was able to get below the "rot" on many staves but a few are goners. On some of them I was able to cut a slat from the "rotten" wood. I sanded one down and then shellaced it just to see what it looked like. Very beautiful, almost spalted looking.
I remember someone had a post a few weeks ago about something similar but I can't find it now. Anybody remember that? I'd like to see what caused this and if anyone else has seen similar. Definitely new to me.