Really great start, especially since it's your first stave bow. But I have to agree with NTD. I've also never heard of that method but wouldn't trust it. It doesn't make very much sense to me. I can understand not wanting to overstress the fades so that undue set isn't manifested at the tips. However, this method seems to be overstressing the inner third of the limb, which will lead to undue localized set...or worse. Getting the entire limb to work nicely together as early as possible is one of the fundamental keys to combating set.
The bulk of the work is being done by the near center of each limb in your picture (more tipward on the left limb, near dead center on the right limb). You're approaching a hinge in both of those locations, especially if you've got 4.5" to go. Catch the inner third of each limb up with the rest of the limb and you'll reach a fine tiller.