my daughter asked if i would make her a bow. i decided on a 52" pyramid style hickory. her draw is only about 24" so i was ok with going short with it. i wanted the poundage to be low enough that she can shoot as long as she wants without getting sore so i planned for 30#. the tips were going to be narrow so i didn't use traditional string nocks. instead i wrapped artificial sinew around the tips about 1/2" from the ends of the limbs. the string has a bowyers knot on the bottom limb and a spliced loop for the top and the shoulder of artificial sinew keeps the string from sliding down the limbs. just in case, because the bow is so short. for safety i backed it with brown paper. i trapped the back just a little to reduce the chance of it taking a set. when it came time for the finish. i asked her it's your bow, what do you want? she said purple dad, i want a purple bow! so rit dye mixed with alcohol on the belly, finished with tru oil. for the back purple spray paint with a horse shoe design as per her request. purple leather handle wrap sewn with artificial sinew. plus muskrat string silencers. the name? LUCKY SHOT.