Actually if you are careful and don't slop epoxy all over your lams you don't really even need tape at all. I quit using the stuff completely two years ago because i got tired of trying to peel the stuff off after cooking it on the limbs....
all you need to do is wipe your pressure strips down with paste wax, and wipe any epoxy off the glass with a thinner rag before loading your forms up..... you wont hurt your glass at all if you have nice smooth pressure strips.
I prefer zip ties and washers to hold my lams in position before air up, or even if you are using rubber bands or C-clamps it would work good too.
Here's one i just laid up and is ready for the air hose.
If you so inclined to use the stuff, i think the the green masking tape you find at Home Depot or Lowes peels off easier than the blue stuff, or Bingham's masking tape too for that matter.