While looking for sheds a few days ago, I found an osage tree that my brother-in-law had cut maybe 4 or 5 years ago. I checked the stump and it looked like it had decent growth rings. There were couple of staight sections that had potential. I hated to think of all of that good bow wood rotting away, so I borrowed a quad and went after them today. They were in a creek bed at the bottom of a steep hill. I cut and seeled them and pulled them one at a time up the hill and to the house. As a bonus, I found 2 sheds while driving down the hill to get them.
The bark was loose and most of it was gone by the time I got them to the house. The logs have a lot of small holes all over them, but as I was splitting them, I didn't see any that went more than 2 or 3 rings deep.
The big one is 82" long and 10" wide.
The smaller one is 75" long and 7" wide.
Here are the sheds.
I split the big one and it is really wet for the first foot. Will this be a problem, or is it OK.
This is what I got from 1/2 of the big log. One is a belly split. I was pooped out after getting to this point. Tomorrow I will try to get the rest split.