You are a good man Pat... it's self evident your love for building wood bows... and i agree that passing the age old techniques of building bows with natural materials will keep the cycle complete.
Anyone glass bowyer or archer that thinks
" wood bows as toys or inferrior to their glass/wood laminated counterpart." are ignorant or fools.....
Of course the care and up keep is more critical, as well as keeping a close eye on MC levels on an all wood bow....But inferior???? Not on your life.
By enjoyment standards, working with fiber glass and carbon is very nasty stuff...quite honestly i think that is why i have stayed away from all wood bows. I would probably throw all this nasty crap in a heap and not look back....
I believe with all my heart that the Master bowyer's can do it all, and the true masters are building self bows and board bows, because they already threw the nasty fiberglass in a heap.
either that or there are masters like Sixby that are trying to feed his family doing this stuff,and realize the safety factor is much higher using the modern composites....
God HAS blessed you Steve. And may he continue to do so brutha...
Btw.... to give credit where credit is due I wouldn't be where i am today if it wasn't for Steve unselfishly sharing his trade craft with me.
You are a good man Steve.