I poured up.......thirty-something lbs, I think--had 25 lbs of just bee's wax--about a year or two ago, but danged if I can remember the mix. It was try this, try that until I got what I wanted. Hopefully I have enough to last another year or two--what a mess!
A couple of hints--don't use any pot that you intend to use for anything else ever again. Get a disposable tin pan, like the ones for roasting chickens or turkeys. Do the same thing with the muffin pans--get disposable ones--and line them with cupcake papers.
Once that wax cools, it won't let go. Cover the counter tops with newspaper, or something that you can wad up and throw away because it's got wax all over it.
Get a small, cheap soup ladle to scoop it out with.
Monitor the heat--just barely enough heat to melt the wax, no more. Melted wax is hot, it doesn't cool very fast, and it sticks to bare skin like glue!
One last thing--if you are going to do it, I'd do enough to cover you for a long time--make the mess and get it over with. It ain't worth the trouble for just a few cakes.