Hello Fellow Bowyers,
This has been touched from time to time but I want to know your method to installing smooth transitioning riser and tip overlays. I find that simply gluing on the layers of phenolic and wood strips to shape and sand afterwards is pretty difficult NOT to grind into the limb material.
The other evening I pre glued the componants together over celiphane in the areas they will utimately be applied. Once set up I took the overlays off the covered bow and sanded the ends down to a smooth angle on the ends. After this they were then glued to the bow at the riser and the tips, creating a fairly clean transition from the start. This project has not been worked on since to finish up but I suspect it will help keep the fiberglass limb material from being harmed in the sanding process.
Chime in how you prepare your overlays, riser and tips, and see how we can all learn from each other.