i see a potential problem with your takedown sleeve. your sleeve is round, it gives you the potential at every time you put it together for unnecessary twist. a true takedown sleeve when viewed from the end, has a D shape. the flat part of the handle is fitted to the back of the bow, the D shape of the handle is shaped to the heal or belly side of the bow. there is no potential for unwanted limb twist.you also dont have a brass inner sleeve for the bottom limb, be prepared for the bottom butt to wear out and not have a proper fit over time. wood does crush under stress and wear. this will also cause the bow to shoot improper giving the effect of being out of tiller.i do however applaud your effort to find another way, without the takedown bow sleeve designed for this application , i feel you are bringing yourself unwarranted frustration due to the round sleeve shortcomings. just my opinion rv