So, through the Gary Davis video and countless hours of lurking on TG, I've made a shootable selfbow out of osage. It's by no means perfect, but I'm proud of it for what its worth. The tiller is slight off, and by accident, the lower limb is stiffer than the upper, which from what I read is good. Couple of questions: I'm not sure on the poundage of the bow, but I'm gonna put it on the scales soon. What is an acceptable poundage that has killing power? I know states have restrictions. I normally shoot a recurve that's close to 60lbs....because of that, its hard for me to guage what lb this selfbow is...that recurve is unbelievably fast, and its like comparing apples and oranges(not fair to the selfbow). Also, I have some slight handshock, not bad, but a little. I haven't finished and narrowed down the tips yet. Will this take care of the handshock, and if it doesn't what do I look for next? Thanks for all this site has done for me. There is a lot of guys, just like me, on here that don't say much, but read everything they can. Thanks