Its bad,, I live on the edge of town and My neighbors have alway had a few corn cobs stuck to the tree for the squirels and such,,a few nice bird feeders for all of our winter birds,, Its really cool to look out and see so much going on all day long,, but,,, the deer have moved in,, they eat out of the bird feeders, pick all of the corn off of the tree, and will do this in plain daylight,, up to 12 of them at a time. It's nice to see but they are struggling around my part of the woods. We have way more snow fall than normal, and with all of the freezing rain and ice its locked alot of their food up. I noticed the neighbors put three small spots out to keep the fighting down between the deer and they come in every evening and about three hours before the evening and I'm not here during the day but I bet ya they are out there at first light and many times at 4:00 am when I leave for work,,I'd say put it out but not on the ground,,follow our batting rules and add a bail of clover cut from this past summer to help digestion. Just my 2 cents,,J