Well, rasped'r down and got'r on the tree . . er . . wall. Anyhow,wanna make sure i'm looking at this right and figured that any other stave rookies hanging around might benefit, so i plan on posting progress as i go from here.
I've got it on a short string that just lays on the belly, little to no tension. Here's the pics:
So here's my thoughts so far:
That hingey area has a place where a little more meat came out than intended when i split the stave originally. Figured it would come out when i worked in the profile, but i figured wrong
. I left more meat around that area as i tapered, and generally left the whole stave about 15 pounds heavier than final goal so i had plenty room for tillering and any errors. Here's a close up of the problem area:
I know it's not a prime specimen, but i'm backing with silk, keeping it light, so i figure she'll still make a decent shooter.
Ok, lemme have it . . .
Thanks for your past and future help :D