I have now sold all my bows and have one more to order (it's terrible having nothing to shoot mow). The Centaur (still have 12 months wait!#$^&!) will fit the bill for the two piece t/d. The Fox Royal should be here in two months and that will be my one piece.
I am now about to order a three piece. I thought it was cut and dried - I was going to order the Bob Lee Signature L/B in Bocote (Elite). I just sold my new sig B/L in order to do this - they are great bows.
However Sandy just got back to me with the new pricing!$%^&. Not a criticism of the company - they have their resons obviously - but the Elite has jumped from 760 - $835 in one month.
I have decided that is too expensive for a Lee.
My friend in Melbourne told me to look at Zipper. I need a three piece with a high-wrist grip and a recurve type riser.
I emailed Bill and he got straight back (a good sign) he can build it in three months.
Can any Zipper owners give me an opinion on their Zipper longbow. Especially if you have shot the Lee too - that would be great (comparison). I am looking for quality build, good service, fast, smooth and silent.
Cheer - Sutto