Hate to hear about the bbo failures of the bamboo. Nevertheless that is what I am building if the bamboo holds. I am attempting to build as good a r/d bbo as I can, at moderate poundage 50-55 lb at 28 or so. I personally have not had many bamboo failures; my downfall has been not getting the bamboo thin enough at the get go, and then having to retrofit another backing, which is a pain and harder than doing it right the first time. But I got the bamboo thin enough and just right I think (about a sixteenth or less on the edges and 1.25 inches at the fades).
With a cold shop it took longer than usual to heat things up enough to cure the Urac, but today I got it on a tillering string for the first few bends. Went at it for about 3 hrs today, which is about max for me until I start losing concentration, so I put it away till some evenings this coming week. Going to go slow and easy and not get in a hurry. We have till about June to finish right? When I get it on a short string, I'll feel better about it!