Thanks to Stone Knife....I remembered to re-post this this year..........
No, this aint a contest, its a request.....
If any of you haven't been on a group hunt with a gang of trad bowhunters you should really make an effort to do so.
If you've been 'thinking about it', 'talking about it', and been 'gettin ready to get ready', don't let another year pass you by. Get on with it, and get on one of these group hunts. Most of these are not very expensive, but will be worth more to you than you'll ever know. The memories will be there when the money is long forgotten.
There's the Wensel's Cabin Fever hunts, Texas Sweat, Shawn's bunny hunt, and a few more I can't think of right now. There's even going to be a TX deer hunt posted on Trad Gang that will take place at the end of this year. Those that have been on these type hunts will tell ya, they are some of the most fun hunts ever.
If you're sittin on the fence and got broad band, take 5 minutes to down load the little clip below. It might just give you a hint of what you're missing. Thanks to Kevin Smith for allowing Trad Gang to use one of my favorite songs he wrote.
Click here to see what you are missing.....