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Author Topic: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????  (Read 1338 times)

Offline Stickman

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???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« on: February 24, 2008, 11:32:00 AM »
Anyone point me to best source for very straight grained compressed 11/32 single taper cedars?  Also, same thing in footed shafts?



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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 12:10:00 PM »
J.K. Chastain

Phone # 303-989-1120

[email protected]

Just received some 65/70, all within 10grains nine of twelve were(400grs) and all straight as an arrow! He has 20,000 shafts in stock!


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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 12:11:00 PM »
Cedarsmith Kerry Gesink
59451 Kristal Dr
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-2215

the ab-so-lute best out there for compressed cedar shafts!!
tgmm, tanj, compton, bha

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 12:13:00 PM »
J.K Chastain gets them from Cedarsmith    :)
tgmm, tanj, compton, bha

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 12:32:00 PM »
please excuse me and my ignorance here, but what is the advantage of compressed cedar ? Just guessing I would think it would make them more dense and thus stronger and less apt to break ? Please help me out and tell me all the in's and out's of compressed cedars ? Not trying to hijack this thread, just trying to learn here ?

TGMM  Family of the Bow
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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 02:01:00 PM »

Denser,stronger,heavier, and a harder finish.

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 05:58:00 PM »
does any one make them longer than 32ins?

Offline Jon Stewart

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 06:09:00 PM »
How much are they a dozen?

Online Orion

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 09:24:00 PM »
I'll second, or is it third, Kerry Gesink.  Good shafts.  Been getting them for more than 20 years.  Always right on the button in terms of spine and weight and straight grain.

No cams, the primary advantage is greater weight in a smaller diameter.  Most compressed arrows now are just run through a die to compress a 23/64 to a 11/32 shaft or a 11/32 to a 5/16.  But, one starts with the weight and spine of the heavier shaft and gets it in the smaller diameter.  This process just compresses the outside fibers and does give the exterior a more burnished finished.  I've never noticed any increase in strength, but there may be some.

The original Sweetland forgewoods were compressed using a process that compressed wood blanks 5/8 inches on one end, 1 1/4 on the other into 3/8 inch planks from which 3/8-inch squares were cut and then doweled into shafts.  This process compressed the fibers throughout the entire arrow, making it super heavy and stronger, and giving it a built in high FOC.

Can get Kerry's shafts from Lamont Granger at "The Footed Shaft."  He has a web site.

Guk: The shafts can be footed to add a few inches in length.  

Jon:  My last dozen of tapered, compressed, and footed shafts were about $100.  Footing adds about $40-$50 or so.

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2008, 03:51:00 PM »
Thanks Guys !

So if I order a compressed 11/32 then it used to be a 23/64 ? In the past I just bought premium 11/32" from Rose City that were weight and spine matched. So were they compressed or just regular 11/32" shafts that had not been compressed ? Thanks again for the , "edumacation on compression"

TGMM  Family of the Bow
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Offline Buckhammer

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2008, 04:44:00 PM »
Thanks for the info guys. I have a longer draw and can't get cedars long enough, but hadn't considered the additional length of footed shafts.

NoCams - Here's a link to the old forgewood site with more info that Orion mentioned:

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2008, 09:48:00 PM »
No cams.  11/32 premiums were just that, straight grained, but not compressed.  As far as i know, Rose City doesn't offer compressed shafts.

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 09:31:00 AM »
Thanks guys for the help, keep it coming. I need to learn more about woodies.

Orion, you had mentioned that you did not notice any increase in strength, but when I read the link that Hammer sent it said they shot them into 3/4 plywood with NO tip !

My intial experience with POC is I love the way it shot, quiet and seemed to fly so good, yet shooting 3D's if you make a bad shot you get a broken shaft everytime ? I know you are going to lose more wooodies to breakage than carbon, but it sure hurts to break them when you have worked so hard to make em purty !!!

TGMM  Family of the Bow
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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2008, 10:21:00 AM »
There are two distinct types of compressed cedar.

First being the one Kerry makes.  They are compressed with dies from dowels.  There is no increased weight (you can't make it any heavier than what is was before it went into the die) and little if any increased strength. The only advantage is that the diameter is smaller.  Thats it.  This is what Orion has.

Second is a Sweetland or Alaska Frontiers  compressed arrow.  Neither are being made any longer.  They compress a board under great pressure.  In the compression method one end of the board is compressed greater which becomes the tip of the arrow.  From this board dowels are made.  They are considerably heavier that standard shafts and much stronger because of the method that they are compressed.  I think when most guys think of compressed cedar this is what comes to mind and I don't feel that one can compared to another because they are very different. dino
"The most demanding thing you can ask of a piece of wood is for it to become an arrow shaft. You reduce it to the smallest of dimension yet ask it to remain it's strongest, straightest and most durable." Bill Sweetland

Online Orion

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2008, 12:11:00 PM »
Don't understand why one would want to shoot into 3/4inch plywood, but whether they break or not depends on a lot of stuff, the weight of the bow, the arrow shaft spine and weight, whether the arrow was flying straight when it hit, etc.  With no point and a large flat surface up front, if the arrow is shot out of a fairly light bow, say 50# or less, it's likely to bounce back rather than break regardless of whether it's compressed or not.  

On the other hand, glancing shots, such as those that are likely to occur on 3-D targets, are often likely to break the shaft.  And, I agree, given the time and effort that goes into selecting the right shafts and making wood arrows, it does hurt when I break one.  I'm willing to pay that price to shoot wood though.

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2008, 08:45:00 AM »
Thanks Guys !

Dino, I got it now, that explains it perfectly. Since the Sweetlands and Frontiers are no longer made it sounds like I am not really missing anything here. I can just keep buying premium Rose City's and get a good arrow.

Orion, yep, I got to make better 3D shots to keep those glancing blows from costing me ! Some shoots we go too have a lot of ,"junk", between the target and the archer so gotta squeeze the shot thru lots of times. One wrong move with cedar and it will usually break. On a long weekedn one can go thru a few woodies if it is a tough shoot and /or you are having a bad day. It seems too that once you break a few your shooting falls apart and you break even more !   :knothead:

TGMM  Family of the Bow
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Online Orion

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Re: ???? best source compressed tapered cedars ?????
« Reply #16 on: March 03, 2008, 10:56:00 AM »
Yes.  Rose City premiums will yield good arrows.  As I noted earlier, the advantage that die compressed shafts have over non-compressed shafts is that you can get a physically heavier and probably also a heavier spined shaft in a smaller diameter.  That's because one starts with the properties of a 23/64 shaft for example, and squeezes it down to 11/32.  

On the upper end, 23-64 shafts are both physically heavier and reach a higher spine than 11/32 shafts.  For example, I shoot 11/32 compressed cedars spined 70-80 pounds that weigh about 450-470 grains bare shaft.  That's very rare in a 11/32 shaft.  It's a more common in 23/64 shafts.  

I shoot lighter, non-compressed shafts for targets, but like to get them as heavy as I can for hunting.  To make them even heavier, I also soak them in Watco oil.  Compressed shafts don't gain as much weight (about 50 grains for me)as non-compressed shafts (about 75 grains on my 11/32s).  And, of course, as noted earlier, a hardwood footing will increase the weight,strength and FOC.

Lots of stuff to play with.  Cedar is fun.  Good luck.

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