I narrowed the tips down today. Here is the upper tip before and after.
I went from nearly 7/8" to 5/16" about 5" from the nock. It's got a bit of a Holmegard feel to it but I'll try and smooth that out just for looks.
Thickness was left alone just to ensure that they don't start bending. After I get it shooting again, I'll see if I can thin them a bit to remove mass.
I also minimized the tip to just a little after nocks. It's about 3/8" wide at the nocks.
My string was still a bit off center even after heat correction. Since I had already narrowed the tips, that left me with 3 options: leave it; heat correct again, or narrow the handle on the off side. It's not really that far off so I am going to narrow the handle some but it will still be a bit off center.
Here's the handle before.
And after a little work. After I shoot it some, I'll finish it off.