I tore both rotator cuffs years ago, do therapy with a "rubber band" regularly, plus push-ups, stretches. I haven't ever had shoulder problems related to shooting recurves, but I dropped from 60# to the 50# range a few years ago, lower is probaby better. Just got a new bow and am taking it to about 47# at my draw weight. My problem is more elbow tendons than sore shoulders.
Sounds like yer shooting too much & too much weight, your shoulder should never--ever--feel like "hamburger". I'm 5'8"+, 155 lb., can drag a 200+ lb. buck a long way, can whip out 50 push-ups anytime, haul firewood all day or whatever...but shooting is different. Some guys are lucky & never have problems, but if it were me, I'd back off on bow weight. Forget charts, try something around 40-50# max.