After the skins aresoft remove them and pat them dry with a towel.
Take the glue and spread another thin coat onto the back of the bow with your fingers again.
Then place the skin on the wet glue and try to line up the pattern how you would like it. Place the skin flesh side down. Run your fingers over it to work out any air bubbles and excess glue.
The skin should follow all the contours of the back. Use your fingers to push out excess glue and air out the sides of the skin as you smooth out the skin and continue to line up the pattern.Sometimes the snake will have its shed on it still. I remove this now as I go.
This is not the scales that have to be removed later. Those are single scales, and paper thin.. Some of these may also come off now. The tip of the knife is pointing at some spots that this happened.
Next I use a sharp razor to trim some of the extra skin that I don't need. Trim along the edge of the limb. Be sure to leave a little more than needed. It will be removed later with a fine file. Trim around the handle and fades as well. I use a pair of scissors to trim for length here too.