Originally posted by Living_waters:
For instance an arrow shelf 1inch above center would take just a few degrees of cant to compensate for, and that would change any calculations used.
Thanks for the input guys, I agree about form issue affecting this however, my area of concern is not the shelf "height" above center up and down (I belive I nomally cut that to 1.25-1.5" for split finger with no issues).
I am referring to "cut to center" as it relates to the shelf being cut to center from the side of the bow as it affects the amount the arrow "bends" around the sight window. This measurement affects the spine of the arrow that you will shoot along with draw weight and length, arrow length etc, etc as I understand it.
For example: Bow "cut-to-center" with a 1/16" strike plate attached, turns the bow into a "1/16" cut-before-center bow and effectively weakens the spine of the arrow...
or...3/4 in wide bendy handled bow with a leather rest glued on the side would be the equivalent of 3/8" cut-before center, again weakening the effective spine of the same arrow.
Hopefully this clarifies some...I am just trying to make sure my inputs into Stu's calculator are accurate and that my definition of cut-to-center is accurate before I go around spreading myths and tales...