Yeah, I pretty much go about it differently but still use the jig. Starting with the limb, I knock all the bowsnot boogers off it and make sure it is perfectly square on one side of the limb. Use a mic to scribe a line on the limb butt and make sure it lines up with my center line on the limb. Put the jig on and drill both holes.
Now for the riser: I basically make absolutely sure that one side of the riser is perfectly square, this will be my shelf side, same side as the one I squared on the limb. Then use a mic to mark the center line on the riser. I then place the jig over the riser and make sure I bisect the line with both the bolt and pin holes.
I drill the bolt hole only and remove the jig. Tap and put the insert in. Bolt the limb blanks on, Then using the center line on the limb out near the break of the curve on my recurve limbs, place a bit of fishing line stretching from tip to tip on my limb blanks. I basically flush it against a piece of perfectly flat granite counter top and make sure my center lines true up on both the limb butts and riser... Then drill the pin holes using a free hand drill through the limb butt, using it like a jig. Most times just tightening the bolt will keep it from moving, but sometimes I put a clamp on it too.
This gets me pretty perfect most times. I usually have to very little limb straightening after. They basically dont make a limb jig worth a darn, period.