62" Take Down with Binghams TD riser and 1 3/4 limbs
Will this lam stack work?
UL Clear Glass 0.030"
Veneer (Grey Action wood) 0.020"
action boo .09" taper (taper of 0.002") 0.070"
red coretuff 0.030"
wedge 8.25"
red coretuff 0.030"
parallel action boo 0.050"
UL Black Glass 0.040"
total stack of 0.270" for a target aroound 60 pounds
for my .02" veneer i would like to have it look somewhat like this but i would like a couple BRIGHT RED stripes through my grey action-wood (end grain) limb.
is it possible to make to make 2 red strips through my limbs using red Phenolic??
any help is much appreciated!!!