Quote " that incandescent bulbs are clearly less efficient than fluorescent" It all depends on what you qualify as efficent. If your talking bench testing using watt meters for a couple minutes or hours yes CF clearly is the choice. IF you consider the intitial cost, (which is suppose to be off set by the life but in reality doesn't),if you consider there is only ONE COUNTRY that makes ALL flourscent bulbs, (it ain't America), if you consider the mercury used in the making and the requirement of supposedly disposing of spent bulbs for hazarodous waste that never happens, etc etc. I recently have been "upgrading" to newer more efficient FL lighting in my work enviroment. We've been recording a 2% failure out of the box. Another 2% failure within 6 months. Another 4% within a year. Now think about the above savings keeping in mind the labor to replace. It sure creates jobs just not for America. Yes we as a BULK user are getting a refund form our utility company for labor and the foreign supplies, you know who pays for that or where that refund money comes from? Residential users!
In the mean time I have two R30 65w can light bulbs in my house that are above the kitchen bar. Undoubtly the most used, constantly on and off bulbs in my house. They came from a promotion of GE 35 years ago if you visited a electrical supply house they gave you one free bulb each visit. THEY BOTH ARE STILL BURNING. Now consider replacing them with todays standards of bulbs, The cost of manufacting, transportation and disposing etc! Who has used more energy? Just saying. Now I promise not to post anymore on this topic to keep it a traditional bow building forum! But 100w and 200w incadescent light bulbs are great for bow building! And I love incadscent light bulbs in my house! lol I'm going to Lowes to buy more now. Sadly they are junk now adays too!