I placed my vise near one end of my work bench then bolted a post to the end of the bench to support my staves while I work on them. I made my work bench extra tall so I can work on a stave without bending over.
Cuz is over 6' tall, you can see how high my bench is in comparison.
No matter how tight you clamp a piece of wood in your vise you can cause it to shift with heavy drawknifing or rasping. With the support post it isn't going anywhere. I stand at the end of my work bench to work on staves. This way I am looking down the stave and can work side to side evenly.
In the picture I am using the side of the post to heat straighten a stave. I off set my vise, put the wood in the vise where tightening the vise will bend the wood against the post. I use an aluminum angle to reflect and hold heat from my heat gun as well as wrap the heated area with an old Tee shirt to let the heated area "soak" with out loosing heat.