I'm curious to see how ya'll feel about your equipment. If you make a kill with it "ie,, BOW, ARROW, CALL, ETC." do you keep it for the rest of your life or are you more into moving on because after all its just an extension,,IMOP,,
I have personally sold some bows that I had killed with, don't keep arrows unless they will kill again, I have always beleived that with alot of luck I have been able to get close enough to take game that the good Lord provided for me. So I hold nothing in the equipment. Its only an extension of me at that moment of truth. Don't get me wrong, I love what I carry to the feild every season and trust that it will get the job done effectively. But when it comes time to move on to something new I do without hesitation,,If something has been passed onto me it will never leave,, But only be passed on