I was just sending a check off for another really cool rifle that I really don't need, and it started me thinking about how crazy I am, and maybe most of us are, when it comes to hobbies like traditional archery. I read (and post) endless threads about "which bow is best," "what arrow should I shoot," "will this broadhead kill 'em deader than that one," etc. ad finitum. I buy rifles for specific purposes, like "brush hunting," "stand hunting," "long range hunting," etc. I buy rifles of different calibers for specific animals. I buy dozens of bows (all nice, expensive ones) trying to find the one that will shoot straighter and magically correct my errant shots. I play with carbon arrows (got to be better, it's new technology), wood arrows (more traditional, gives 'em a chance), and aluminum (cheaper), never finding perfect satisfaction. I get my arrows made up, but have to change them because I read that I don't have the optimum set-up for penetration on a hundred pound animal. I shoot constantly, and constantly change my shooting, and switch bows, or buy a different scope, or a different knife. I decide that I ought to be hunting on the ground, cause Asbell says it's cooler. I get a short bow, cause Asbell says it's cooler. I wear wool, cause. . .well, you get the picture. But I don't do the one thing that really matters: stick with one thing, and get good with it, and go hunting. Because, hey, that would mean I was the problem, right?