Sorry Mike.
I don't have any just yet.
I've done some tillering work and it's coming along slowly.
Just haven't had a lot of time to work on it lately..15 mins here and there..
She's getting a bit of string follow now.
I haven't measured it, but I'd say the tips are about 1" off the table.
Speaking of the tips..they look pretty awful.
I messed up..Measured from the tip to make one groove..measured from the base of the overlay on the other..
Had to even them up after and they just look like hell.
I might endup cutting the tips off and putting some new grooves in..we'll see.
I'm waiting on a real string at the moment.
Right now I'm considering gluing the silk backing on while I'm waiting.
Not sure if I want to back or not.
I'm contemplating resting the tips only on the belly side on a couple blocks. Then C-clamping a weight to the belly side of the riser to straighten her out..maybe a slight bit of reflex.
Then gluing the silk on while it's being held like that.
Sound like an ok thing to do..or a recipe for disaster?