Shot it tonight about 30 times.
Actually shoots pretty nice!
My arrows aren't even close to the right spine, but the bow feels good.
The grip, as simple as it is, fits my hand well and is really quite comfortable.
Not much handshock either.
Seeing my other bow is a whip and I'm used to that I feel that's saying something.
I might cut it a tad deeper to get slightly closer to center.
I can see the target fine, but it would be nice to have it a little closer to center cut.
All in all I'm pretty happy right now.
Thank you for all the help Gentlemen.
I really would have felt very lost without you.
With you all sharing your knowledge with me really gave me the confidence to "just do it".
Otherwise I would have really been feeling like I was crawling through some pitch black cave and not even knowing which direction to go.
Maybe someday I'll have enough experience to help out someone as you did me.
Really... A true !!THANK YOU!! goes out to you.