Good job. Another bow is born.
Here are some things i try to assess during the first trips to the butts. Sometimes answers to questions like these can point to adjustments needing made in tiller, braces height, or even a change of design in subsequent bows.
How does it balance in your hand? During the draw? At full draw? Does the grip pull straight back into the bow hand, or does it want to tip? How does it feel at the shot? Is there any handshock? Does it want to move, i.e. tilt forward or back, or turn sideways, etc upon release? How does it point? How does the arrow fly? How easy/hard is it to tune? Noise level? Is the tiller holding? etc...
Keep an open mind, question everything, and try to make each one better than the last.
I'm excited for you. Cingrats on your new bow!