Stay 8 inches away from the nocks. Your going to have to exercise the bow down the tree 30 times, pulling it 1 inch more after every 30 times and checking for any places that need attention. Start pulling to about 2 inches below where the string lays at a brace. After pulling the 30 times, pull it down and lock it there. Run the tillering gizmo up the limbs quickly then unlock it. Scrape ONLY where the gizmo marks the limbs. Do about 8 or 10 strokes with a scraper, then exercise 30 times again. After scraping, sand any tiny edges smooth. Keep the sides of the limbs smooth and round, check for that before pulling it again, every time. Go slow! Think before you scrape. Stand back and look at the side profile of the limb thickness, they should taper evenly. If you see any little depressions, mark them with a NO and don't touch that area. The limbs should have a gradual thickness taper from flares to tips. As you get farther down the tree, check the weight. You never want to pull it past what your intended final weight will be. You said you have the Dryad DVD? Watch it again, Art.