Patients isn't my strong point and since I am waiting on my glue for a BBI bow I figured I start my first R/D glass bow. This will be following the great Kenny M design 62 tip to tip shooting for 50# at 28 inch draw....That's if I remember the taper correctly lol.
Well I got out of work at 0800 hours so I shot down to the next town and picked up a few odds and ends to help me square up the zebra riser. This is my first time trying all of this on my own so bare with my inexperience.
After two hours of work squaring up the riser block I traced out the bottom radius for the back of the riser. Cut it out on the band saw and went to work on making it light tight.... I figured I would stop before I was super tired and make a fatal mistake.
Here is where my riser is so far at the end of two hours.....
Small gap in the lams and riser...
Try not to focus on the very bottom of the form. For some reason there is a small gap along the outer most edge so it looks like there is a void but trust me that there is not. Look at the pencil marks on the riser and you can see that arch. I used these three clamps which are just holding down everything with very light pressure because I couldn't hold the riser in place and take the picture. I can feel slight humps in the arch so I plan on trying to smooth them out to glass tomorrow morning after the midnight shift.
One question I have for you folks is the ends of the riser are lifted off of the form right now. I traced out the copy of kenny's design so I just want to make sure I am doing this correctly. Please don't take this as if I am questioning kenny's design at all... I am questioning myself if I am doing this correctly. Being a total newbie to glass and this being my first R/D bow ever I am just not used to it.
Here is a picture of what I am talking about...
Anyways it is time for bed... Please comments and tips are sought after!!! Hope you all enjoy my adventure as much as I am excited for the journey!