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Author Topic: norcal mule deer hunt this August  (Read 600 times)

Offline Angus

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norcal mule deer hunt this August
« on: February 29, 2008, 12:49:00 PM »
A while ago, we had a brief thread going about getting a group of Tradgangers together for a backpack hunt for mule deer this season in norcal.  I've given it a lot more thought, and know of another location more in central CA, the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness.   In the Silver King Creek drainage within Carson-Iceberg Wilderness, precisely.  I used to guide trout parties into this area, and know it pretty well.  There was a pack station, known as Little Antelope Valley Pack Station, on location there, but they folded some time ago.  Where, exactly, I'm thinking about scouting, are five box canyons to the west of Silver king Creek in Upper Fish Valley.  You can't fish there because the trout, the Paiute, are protected.  The canyons are really rugged, steep, and not at all enticing for the casual backpacker.    There are two ways to get into the area, but both will involve hoofing it over tall, 8-10,000 foot saddles.  To the south, on highway 108, is the mountain warfare training facility for the Marines, and to the north, is the defunct remains of the pack station.  Unless they have started operations again, which I doubt, very few people go into the upper valley for any reason.  years ago, used to be range cattle in the area, but that was discontinued some time ago as well.  Even the Marines don't use the area!  In addition to deer, this place has a decent population of bruins, marmots, yotes, and I could guarantee my clients would catch fish!  I'm going to give it a scout over the Memorial Day weekend, snowload considering, and am wondering if any one wants to go along?
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 02:30:00 PM »

Please keep me posted.  Sounds fun.

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 03:32:00 PM »

I would love to go with you.  I've climbed a few of the peaks in the Matterhorn range, not too far from there.  Please keep me posted.

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Offline rxhntr

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2008, 04:37:00 PM »
Angus, I have hunted the D-6 side of that quite a bit. I usually go in from St. Marys Pass which is located off of 108 just before the sonora pass summit on the west side. I would be interested in this as well. I am not that familiar with the east side because that is X-12 which is a draw tag. I would be interested in some more specs. Ben

Offline Angus

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2008, 05:48:00 PM »
Ben, to the west of Silver King creek in Upper Fish valley, there are five little box canyons, one of which is named Fly Canyon.  We need to do some exploring in that area, since I haven't ever seen any numbers of people.  Can't fish, can't run cows, no mining, no trails except the game trails, nothing!  It's going to be east and a little north of your area.  looks like we're on for a scout probe over Memorial Day weekend, if we can get in.  Do you know if there's a pack station on 108 near the top of the pass?
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

Offline rxhntr

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #5 on: February 29, 2008, 08:27:00 PM »
The only pack station I know of is Sardellas pack station  behind dodge ridge ski area. I tried to back pack a lower area 2 years ago and could not get in until 1st week of july. I do not know how the east side is or if it clears faster than the west side. I will have to break out my topos this weekend and look for the area you are talking about. Are these canyons on the east side of the summit (pacific crest) trail?

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #6 on: February 29, 2008, 10:07:00 PM »
I used to be the Commander at the MWTC.  Bart Craney used to run the pack station at the far end of Pickle Meadows.  I hunted D6 as well, as X12 tags never showed up in the draw.You have a great area picked out-there are some giant bears in the area and I can't tell you how much fun marmots are to hunt-up there they do not fear humans.  Lions are also common.  I have not packed in where you are going as most of my travel was along 108.  In the winter the Marines cover larger areas than in the summer as they often ski over the ridge line for some excitement.  You have really piacked a good spot-color me jealous
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Offline legends1

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2008, 02:29:00 AM »
Angus,Ive packed on horse back alot of areas around were your talking about.Ive found myself the last few year going in at Crabtree past sardellas.I can get in there near the end of July in most years.Keep me posted i would be open to something.

Offline Angus

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2008, 02:33:00 AM »
Correct.  You want to locate Whitecliff peak, and go south from there. I've been in a few times on low snow years since it's all east of the crest.  this might be one of those years unless we get more serious storms this month, which I doubt. East side doesn't melt out faster, it just gets less snow, but this is right on the crest, even though the PCT is west of the area.

Skip, you gotta take your fly rod in!  go out to Walker and take the Golden Gate mine road up to Rodriquez flats, and hike in from there on the driveway trail-you'll cross Silver King creek at the bottom of the hill.  I'm not kidding-fish there are suicidal, throwing themselves at flies!!  Biggest blackie I ever saw was in Long Valley; would have been high on the P&Y list for sure!  We've seen lion sign on some trees, and lots of bear tracks as well.  It's a truly wild place!  You're right,though: my fear is we won't get tags.  We'll have to have "plan B" in place just in case.
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

Offline beachbowhunter

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2008, 11:31:00 AM »
Sounds phenominal. So to be sure, it is an X-12 tag?  I'll put in and if I get lucky, I'd definitely go with  you!

Ishi was a Californian                   :cool:

Offline Bard1

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2008, 12:23:00 PM »
I am up for going for sure.
got arrows?

Offline Angus

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2008, 08:53:00 AM »
It's X-12 alright.  It just occurred to me that we can also put in individually for it.  Let's give it a try!

Mike's right on-I don't remember a year when we couldn't get in by mid-july.  I'm guessing the season will open about the third Saturday in August.  I'll have to check the map to see how far it is from Sardella's.  If it's not outrageous, we could have them do a drop camp for us.  You gotta remember, guys; I'm the idiot who once backpacked a 10-inch cast iron dutch oven into Long Valley!  Never again-that's what horses are for!!
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

Offline deadpool

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2008, 09:00:00 AM »
i wanna go up there for sure!!
please please provide me with more info to provide for my dad to convince him to!!

Offline Angus

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2008, 07:31:00 PM »
Deadpool, you'll need to go to CA dept. of fish & game to see what the out of state license costs,as well as a tag-could be pretty steep!  The place is up 395 from you, about a day's drive,in the middle of nowhere!  it requires a decent backpack setup and a good pair of boots, and tough thighs!  Lots of hills and altitude, great fishing, and probably some deer!  The area's between highways 108 and 89, between Walker in the South, and Coleville in the north.  There's no place to get supplies beyond Bridgeport, so you need to come fully stocked with clothes and food/shelter for a week's trip.  Get some topos-the 7.5's, and take a look at it.  Carson-Iceberg Wilderness area, specifically the Silver King Creek area east and south of Whitecliff peak.  Rugged, and one of the darkest places in CA, it's a good place to watch the skies at night!  And happy early birthday!
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

Offline Angus

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Re: norcal mule deer hunt this August
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2008, 07:43:00 PM »
Guys, don't forget the predator calls, either-Lord knows, there's enough `yotes for a few quivers in the area!  I'm thinking we should all put in for the drawing individually, then coordinate who got drawn.  Folks will be coming from afar, and there are several places to go in, as well as checking with the packer at Sardella's to see what they'd charge for a drop.  I've got some things to handle for my father's estate before I can really get going on arrangements, but it seems there's enough good interest for a great group, and there are plenty of places to camp in the valley system.  Even if some don't get drawn, it'd be a great vacation, with the added temptation of bear season beginning at the same time for archery.  Bear tags, anyone?  so if you don't get drawn for deer, I believe bear tags are over-the-counter?
Traditional Bowhunters of Washington

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